Maypoles or maytrees did not only symbolize the awakening spirit of youth, but also expressed the festive joy of spring blossom and energy that has been passed on to us since antiquity. This tradition is known throughout Europe.

It was a custom of the youth, lads organized in groups erected a tree for girls, which was a great honor. At night they cut down a tall tree and then set it up at dawn in front of the girl's house. There are regions where a tree was placed in front of every girl’s house, but there are places where it was only the privilege of ladies who also had a lover. It was also traditionally decorated with colorful ribbons, food and drink.

Most often, the tree was erected under the direction of the courting bachelor, and was strictly guarded so that it would not be stolen or overthrown by rivals, jealous other boys, or potentially interested other bachelors. Often the village also had a common tree, the pulling down of which was accompanied by a ceremony and a dance party. This custom has survived in many places to this day.

The Maypole was erected on the night of the last day of April or the first day of May. The lads then gave a serenade, which the girl was supposed to accept. She lit a match and then offered the guy with wine.

